Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am From free essay sample

I am from downy off- white sheets;From Pinesol Overdone Bleach.I am from the hard part of a place no one knows from a broken home with hard goals. I am from a mother who loved me lots never will her love be forgot. I am from Chicken Sandwiches with Ranch inside with a broken heart I cant hide,from Micheal Bobby. I am from wrong doers accusers. From not telling us what our families future lie. To Nothing But Painful Crys. I am from Black White, going to church when feeling guilty giving our life to christ over over again. Im from Lashawns House with Chicken Noodle Soup Beanie Weenie ( thats beans hot dogs if you dont understand). From the Auntie when I was young who told me I was beautiful would be brillant beyond my beliefs. The cousin I lost young inspired me to live life as their there is no tomorrow the sister that I wished was mine once inspired me to be the youre feeling now. We will write a custom essay sample on I Am From or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ME I am spiral circle frames,strapbooks of unwanted pain,and photo albums of time that lasted all of five seconds, from angels that are gone, to people that wont trueful wont be missed, animals that held our hearts still do. I am from angry sad people who are wearing down day after day. I am from normal people just like You

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